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Akashic Power

4.6 ( 2416 ratings )
Livsstil Hälsa & Fitness
Utvecklare: Momanda
6.99 USD

Mining Your Akash

Have you ever wondered about where your personality comes from? What about your fears and phobias? Is it possible that you have lived before? What if you could tap into your past lives and access hidden talents, wisdom and knowledge? Interested? That is what this app is all about.

Think about all the lifetimes you have lived, and about all the wisdom, knowledge and spiritual learning you may have gained. All of this information is stored within your spiritual jar, known as the Akash. Your Akash is a gold mine of your own history waiting to be opened. This door opens when you give intent.

Lee Carroll and KRYON will guide you in accessing your own Akashic wisdom.

This app contains:
• channelled messages from Kryon to use every morning and evening;
• six specific Kryon channeled messages relating to the following categories: health, relationships, jobs, business & money, finding peace, life purpose and dropping old stuff;
• the ability to journal and record your experiences; and
• a detailed explanation on what you can do to begin mining your Akash.